Mmmm... Still hot in here and it is definitely me. Pain in the ass too. feeling normal one minute and dressing the kids like they are off to Alaska, sweaters, coats, undershirts, not in that order, while I am peeling off layers upon layers and feeling my face burning.
Never met a pill I did not like though, not of the hallucinating or calming persuasion, more like hormone, something for the circulation, something recommended for the menopause, and some diuretic to fight off the ever-expanding waist. Will not look like a muffin into my old age. I will fight with all I've got, and my donuts.
Friday, first visit to the doctor. We'll see what he thinks of my cocktail.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Pre-M....pfffff is it hot or is it me?
I realized last night for the first time that the heat I was feeling on my face and ears regularly, (like about now), chronic insomnia, mild depression, sadness and irritability, was not all to be laid down to the doors of the China question.. but perhaps pre-menopause. And lo and behold, an hour on the internet later, it was confirmed. Out of all the symptoms for perimenopause (the 8 years prior apparently), AND that my period are now all over the place, I am indeed smack in it.
I will schedule an appointment with an obgyn today, but I was wondering if you are having symptoms too, or just me. If yes, how do you cope? What is best to do? I just ordered some DHEA that a friend will ship me this week from New York, (half is for one of my friend that is desperately trying to have a baby at 42 to offset her diminishing hormones).
I read that I need to exercise. So Ok, I will start... but is there anything you do to make it feel better?
I cannot believe that I did not think of it. To boot, I found out this week that I have Lyme disease, cought most probably while hiking in the forest here this summer.... I am taking antibiotics so I will be fine apparently in about a week, but it brings on depression and fatigue as well. So soon, it will all get better, I can't wait.
I just turned 46, so no major surprise on the preM thing... but it is still a shock. (that and a baby that now started removing his diapers in the middle of the night and blissfully sleeps in a very cold and very wet bed... :-(
Let me know please
I realized last night for the first time that the heat I was feeling on my face and ears regularly, (like about now), chronic insomnia, mild depression, sadness and irritability, was not all to be laid down to the doors of the China question.. but perhaps pre-menopause. And lo and behold, an hour on the internet later, it was confirmed. Out of all the symptoms for perimenopause (the 8 years prior apparently), AND that my period are now all over the place, I am indeed smack in it.
I will schedule an appointment with an obgyn today, but I was wondering if you are having symptoms too, or just me. If yes, how do you cope? What is best to do? I just ordered some DHEA that a friend will ship me this week from New York, (half is for one of my friend that is desperately trying to have a baby at 42 to offset her diminishing hormones).
I read that I need to exercise. So Ok, I will start... but is there anything you do to make it feel better?
I cannot believe that I did not think of it. To boot, I found out this week that I have Lyme disease, cought most probably while hiking in the forest here this summer.... I am taking antibiotics so I will be fine apparently in about a week, but it brings on depression and fatigue as well. So soon, it will all get better, I can't wait.
I just turned 46, so no major surprise on the preM thing... but it is still a shock. (that and a baby that now started removing his diapers in the middle of the night and blissfully sleeps in a very cold and very wet bed... :-(
Let me know please
Monday, May 31, 2010
New York Cheese cake
Alors, bien que je n'ai aucune passion pour le Cheese cake, mon amoureux oui. Et apres 15 ans de NY et des tas de visites chez Finkenstein a Paris (rue des rosiers, meilleur cheesecake hors de NY)
Je m'y suis mis, et je veut pas me vanter mais j'assure. Recette originale trouvee sur, mais changee un peu. Moins de sucre et moins de cream cheese, donc plus leger.
Alors il faut:
300 ou 410 gr de fromage a tartiner type St Moret ou le generique de Carrefour par ex.
7 oeufs (voui, je sais)
2 ou 4 petits suisses
1 yaourt grec
ou ce que vous avez: fromage blanc, yaourt etc... mais le mieux c'est avec ce que je viens de mettre.
petit beurre
biscuits sables au beurre
50 g de beurre
environ 150gr de sucre melange comme on veut: cassonade+ sucre blanc+ sucre vanille
3 cuilleres a soupe de farine
1 orange bio
1 citron bio
vanille liquide
papier sulfurise de cuisson
1 zesteur
1 moule rond avec fond amovible et tour qui bouge (ou pas d'ailleurs, sinon, juste un moule rond)
mettre dans un petit sac en papier ou dans un robot avec la lame les biscuits, environ l'equivalent d'une grosse poignee. Surtout bien mettre 4 ou 6 speculoos ou des bastognes. les ecrabouiller. vraiment, en poussiere.
Les mettre dans un bol et verser dessus le beurre fondu au micro onde. bien melanger, comme une pate. mettre au fond du moule recouvert de papier sulfurise. tasser avec les mains et faire un fond. Mettre au four 10 minutes environ.
pendant ce temps mettre soit dans un bol de robot, soit dans un bol en vrac: les fromages, les sucres, 3 cuilleres a soupe de farine, les zestes d'orange et de citron et bien melanger au fouet ou dans le robot.
Avec le robot qui tourne encore ajouter un par un les 5 oeufs et les 2 jaunes. pareil au fouet.cela devient super liquide, pas grave.
avec le papier sulfurise faire comme une cheminee sur les bords du moule, verser la preparation, et mettre a four chaud (200-210C) 12 minutes. puis reduire a 175 environ et laisser cuire encore 45-50 minutes. Verifier et quand on plante un couteau et qu'il ressort sec c'est bon.
Se garde au moins deux ou 3 jours au frigo.
Je m'y suis mis, et je veut pas me vanter mais j'assure. Recette originale trouvee sur, mais changee un peu. Moins de sucre et moins de cream cheese, donc plus leger.
Alors il faut:
300 ou 410 gr de fromage a tartiner type St Moret ou le generique de Carrefour par ex.
7 oeufs (voui, je sais)
2 ou 4 petits suisses
1 yaourt grec
ou ce que vous avez: fromage blanc, yaourt etc... mais le mieux c'est avec ce que je viens de mettre.
petit beurre
biscuits sables au beurre
50 g de beurre
environ 150gr de sucre melange comme on veut: cassonade+ sucre blanc+ sucre vanille
3 cuilleres a soupe de farine
1 orange bio
1 citron bio
vanille liquide
papier sulfurise de cuisson
1 zesteur
1 moule rond avec fond amovible et tour qui bouge (ou pas d'ailleurs, sinon, juste un moule rond)
mettre dans un petit sac en papier ou dans un robot avec la lame les biscuits, environ l'equivalent d'une grosse poignee. Surtout bien mettre 4 ou 6 speculoos ou des bastognes. les ecrabouiller. vraiment, en poussiere.
Les mettre dans un bol et verser dessus le beurre fondu au micro onde. bien melanger, comme une pate. mettre au fond du moule recouvert de papier sulfurise. tasser avec les mains et faire un fond. Mettre au four 10 minutes environ.
pendant ce temps mettre soit dans un bol de robot, soit dans un bol en vrac: les fromages, les sucres, 3 cuilleres a soupe de farine, les zestes d'orange et de citron et bien melanger au fouet ou dans le robot.
Avec le robot qui tourne encore ajouter un par un les 5 oeufs et les 2 jaunes. pareil au fouet.cela devient super liquide, pas grave.
avec le papier sulfurise faire comme une cheminee sur les bords du moule, verser la preparation, et mettre a four chaud (200-210C) 12 minutes. puis reduire a 175 environ et laisser cuire encore 45-50 minutes. Verifier et quand on plante un couteau et qu'il ressort sec c'est bon.
Se garde au moins deux ou 3 jours au frigo.

je viens de lire plein de commentaires dont le plus pertinents de Tavi sur Terry Richardson. Il est vraiment completement incroyable que ce pervers soit encore autorises a prendre un appareil photo et a shooter des filles. Pour toutes les editrices qui dont encore appel a lui:"Honte a vous!". Il a un grand truc dans la Vogue France avec Doutzen Kross.. d'abord elle je vois meme pas en quoi elle est autre chose qu'une Barbie taille reelle et ensuite cela veut vraiment dire que Carine et all, se sont dit que ca serait une bonne idee de le faire travailler post-scandale. Elles sont vraiment a L'Ouest. Then again, Carine est encore aux manettes apres le super scandale du manteau Balenciaga "prete" a Max Mara.... Ce qui aurait coute son job a une editrice junior, elle est encore en lice pour le remplacement de Anna.
Grrr.. je sens vraiment que je me detache de la fashion sphere comme une balise qui tombe d'un orbite.
Bon, une petite fille au lit avec un gastro, sa maman en vrac pareil, et un bebe a recuperer probablement dans le meme etat. FUN!!! et comme en plus Israel a plante je ne sais meme pas combien de bateaux au large de Gaza ce matin, j'ai un amoureux qui va rentrer Dieu sait quand.
C'est la vie
photo particulierement savoureuse de ce weekend. Elle est tellement ratee que j'en ai fait mon screensaver.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
et en francais s'il vous plait
Bin, allez c'est decide, je vais ecrire en francais. Finalement ecrire en anglais c'est plus complique que prevu. mais pour le moment j'ai deux petites filles surexcitees qui courent dans la maison, un clavier en Suisse que je ne sais pas manipuler et un cours de musique ou je dois les poser. a plus
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Homemade Turkey Curry
I just returned Tara safely back from her child shrink so her class.
I have a 5 years old and she is in therapy. "Now better than later", was the advice we heard over and over last September when we had to decide to put her in therapy. Indeed, now, at 5 years old, when she is still fresh clay better than much later when she would have - and it seemed a real threat - to spend untold years to recover from early childhood problems. She basically missed a few bricks in her early development stage.
Tara has "dysharmony evolutive" whatever that means in english, it means in french that while she is mostly on par with other kids her age she can act, think or react like a much younger child on other topics. It means that it is a pain in the ass. She can be her age or - not. She knows at times that she is not understanding something and instead of asking, she will blissfully ignore it and move on. Not a good thing, it's ok for a pre-schooler but would be catastrophic later. That and she can get stuck in crying fits for a lot longer. Anyway, so she is in therapy and three times a week I have to sherpa my daughter from one specialist to another. For good measure she is in Speech therapy as well.
that said I can prepare a fabulous turkey curry with all sorts of vegetables that even the kids love.
So here it is with Turkey but in fact any other white meat would be good, although you'd have to adjust the cooking time, or even vegetarian with tofu.
Cook Basmati rice - start with that.
1 can peeled tomatoes
1 small cube of coconut milk
1 small bit of ginger, peeled and cut in tiny little shreds
1 large clove of garlic, peeled and cored (remove green shoot inside- always)
Tons of various vegetables:
Any of those:
Fresh spinach
2 carrots slightly blanched and cut in sticks (boiled in salty hot water for about 7 minutes)
a handful of string beans or zucchinis (same, cut and blanched in the same water)
about 150 gr of turkey breast per person. Ask the butcher for a big slab and not for a think piece from the breast. OR 1/2 chicken breast per person.
tofu if you like.
a neutral oil: Canola, grape seed, peanut etc... anything NOT olive nor sesame oil.
So, pour a very small amount of oil in a pan and start cooking the ginger and garlic together until fragrant, 2 minutes, then open the spice rack and pour about a tea spoon of ALL that you find, (except hot pepper if cooking for kids - otherwise go for it)
CLOVES (just a little bit)
They will sizzle, start mixing them with a wooden spoon to form a paste, they will smell really nice, then make you cough...Good. that's when you a)remove your face from the pot, and b) start adding the meat to brown a little... toss is well, let it be for a minute. Meanwhile open the coconut milk and pour it over the meat. Mix well.
Let it be for a couple of minutes, gently bubbling away.
Add the canned tomatoes and cut all the peeled tomatoes to get the juices out. (or get some already crushed. Fine too) - let it gently cook 5 minutes.
Add all the veggies you like, Add tofu if you wanted some as well.
Let them cook for another 5 minutes. Add salt to taste.
Serve with rice.
15 minutes start to finish -about.
I have a 5 years old and she is in therapy. "Now better than later", was the advice we heard over and over last September when we had to decide to put her in therapy. Indeed, now, at 5 years old, when she is still fresh clay better than much later when she would have - and it seemed a real threat - to spend untold years to recover from early childhood problems. She basically missed a few bricks in her early development stage.
Tara has "dysharmony evolutive" whatever that means in english, it means in french that while she is mostly on par with other kids her age she can act, think or react like a much younger child on other topics. It means that it is a pain in the ass. She can be her age or - not. She knows at times that she is not understanding something and instead of asking, she will blissfully ignore it and move on. Not a good thing, it's ok for a pre-schooler but would be catastrophic later. That and she can get stuck in crying fits for a lot longer. Anyway, so she is in therapy and three times a week I have to sherpa my daughter from one specialist to another. For good measure she is in Speech therapy as well.
that said I can prepare a fabulous turkey curry with all sorts of vegetables that even the kids love.
So here it is with Turkey but in fact any other white meat would be good, although you'd have to adjust the cooking time, or even vegetarian with tofu.
Cook Basmati rice - start with that.
1 can peeled tomatoes
1 small cube of coconut milk
1 small bit of ginger, peeled and cut in tiny little shreds
1 large clove of garlic, peeled and cored (remove green shoot inside- always)
Tons of various vegetables:
Any of those:
Fresh spinach
2 carrots slightly blanched and cut in sticks (boiled in salty hot water for about 7 minutes)
a handful of string beans or zucchinis (same, cut and blanched in the same water)
about 150 gr of turkey breast per person. Ask the butcher for a big slab and not for a think piece from the breast. OR 1/2 chicken breast per person.
tofu if you like.
a neutral oil: Canola, grape seed, peanut etc... anything NOT olive nor sesame oil.
So, pour a very small amount of oil in a pan and start cooking the ginger and garlic together until fragrant, 2 minutes, then open the spice rack and pour about a tea spoon of ALL that you find, (except hot pepper if cooking for kids - otherwise go for it)
CLOVES (just a little bit)
They will sizzle, start mixing them with a wooden spoon to form a paste, they will smell really nice, then make you cough...Good. that's when you a)remove your face from the pot, and b) start adding the meat to brown a little... toss is well, let it be for a minute. Meanwhile open the coconut milk and pour it over the meat. Mix well.
Let it be for a couple of minutes, gently bubbling away.
Add the canned tomatoes and cut all the peeled tomatoes to get the juices out. (or get some already crushed. Fine too) - let it gently cook 5 minutes.
Add all the veggies you like, Add tofu if you wanted some as well.
Let them cook for another 5 minutes. Add salt to taste.
Serve with rice.
15 minutes start to finish -about.
Fresh post... well from last night. First time.
I just drove 3 hours back from Burgundy into Geneva. Very lucky, the kids were fast asleep in the back and I had Lady GaGa and Pink blaring into the i-phone so all in all it was calm and I could concentrate on the road and just a little bit , in a corner of my mind on what lays ahead, in my head, sort out the good, the bad and the ugly. We made good time, so naturally now they are both playing in their bedroom when in fact they should be fast asleep. School. Kindergarden. Tomorrow is another week.
I am 45, i have two kids, a daughter that just turned 5 and a little boy that just turned 16 months. Both born on the same day. I am incredibly lucky that I got pregnant without too too much trouble in my 40's. I am also incredibly lucky that I met the man I love when I was 39 and that after coughing up a small fortune in therapy for 3 years prior i was able to open my eyes to the man that was in front of me. I got pregnant, then we fell in love, then we tried for another baby, then we decided to adopt, then to get married, then I got pregnant again, then we married, then we moved in together.
So in the end, both our set of parents are relieved, although i will admit that we did do everything according to plan, just not in the usual order.
And so now. I have been living for a year in Geneva, I am 45. I am in love, I have two cool kids that are beautiful and funny.
So when I read the article on Friday about women depression and started to cry, it took me a while to admit that I am in fact - depressed.
it was quite a shock to admit that I am possibly not well.
Then I picked up the phone and started to track down a shrink. A good one. So good luck to me as I await for one to return my call.
I cry often and then berate myself for doing so, I know I am lucky, that I am the experiment gone right and that many many women would give their right tit and probably a front tooth as well for good measure to be in my shoes. So why do I feel so sad?
Last night, in my sleep I thought of doing a blog to try to figure it out, and also to pass on great recipes.
One thing I am sure of right now. I cook well.
a bientot
I am 45, i have two kids, a daughter that just turned 5 and a little boy that just turned 16 months. Both born on the same day. I am incredibly lucky that I got pregnant without too too much trouble in my 40's. I am also incredibly lucky that I met the man I love when I was 39 and that after coughing up a small fortune in therapy for 3 years prior i was able to open my eyes to the man that was in front of me. I got pregnant, then we fell in love, then we tried for another baby, then we decided to adopt, then to get married, then I got pregnant again, then we married, then we moved in together.
So in the end, both our set of parents are relieved, although i will admit that we did do everything according to plan, just not in the usual order.
And so now. I have been living for a year in Geneva, I am 45. I am in love, I have two cool kids that are beautiful and funny.
So when I read the article on Friday about women depression and started to cry, it took me a while to admit that I am in fact - depressed.
it was quite a shock to admit that I am possibly not well.
Then I picked up the phone and started to track down a shrink. A good one. So good luck to me as I await for one to return my call.
I cry often and then berate myself for doing so, I know I am lucky, that I am the experiment gone right and that many many women would give their right tit and probably a front tooth as well for good measure to be in my shoes. So why do I feel so sad?
Last night, in my sleep I thought of doing a blog to try to figure it out, and also to pass on great recipes.
One thing I am sure of right now. I cook well.
a bientot
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